Mother's Day Double Header

Yesterday was another really perfect Mother's Day from start to finish.  The weather couldn't have been more gorgeous, and we spent most the day outside and with our dear friends, the Gilmans.  We headed to Moretown for a ridiculously decadent brunch, and followed the big meal up with some play time at the playground.  Jakob and Graham heard a rooster in a neighboring yard start to crow, which scared Jakob a bit at first.  Dan walked him over, and the woman who lived there kindly came out (and turned off the electric fence) with rice cakes the boys were able to throw into the chicken pen.  Jakob LOVED it, and he was immediately over his fear.  In fact, he spent most the time scaring the chickens and rooster and clucking and crowing at them!

After nap time, the Gilmans came to Huntington for a BBQ.  We got to see Baby Cecily roll over for the first time, and the boys played perfectly together again.

Days like yesterday remind me of how much I love my family, my friends, and life in Vermont.  I'll never stop being amazed at how blessed I am!  Thanks for all the Mother's Day wishes!

Homemade waffles and syrup...YUM!
Helping myself to rice cakes for the chickens.
Don't worry, the electricity was turned off before we got here
I loved throwing the rice cakes to the chickens
Cock a doodle do!!!
I'm doing my best chicken impersonation
This is the best!
Time for more playing at the school
Graham and I are two cool dudes


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