Welcome, Everleigh Grace

We'd like to officially announce the newest addition to our family, Everleigh Grace Hall.  Our little darling arrived at 2:18 a.m. on Sunday, May 18, 2014.  She weighed in at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 19 inches in length.  Just like her brother did when he was born, she's got a head of dark, fuzzy hair, and is absolutely perfect and healthy in every way.

Jakob's last day as an only child was also perfect.  I was still feeling the effects of a long, sleepless night on Thursday thanks to a migraine and vomiting, so Dan took Jakob to Burlington to go swimming, check out Echo, and have lunch.  I spent the morning resting, getting my hair cut, and picking up a few grocery items just in case I went into labor some time soon.  (Little did I know how soon!)  After a good nap, we took Jakob out to see the horses at the Stone Corral Brewery, and then we stopped at the Taft Farm to see their cows.  When we got home, Eli stopped by for a quick play date, and we spent most the rest of the beautiful afternoon and evening outdoors.

From start to finish, Everleigh's entrance into the world has been different from Jakob's.  While Jakob's pregnancy was a total breeze from conception until the last few days, I was much more tired and uncomfortable (and sometimes more sick) this time around.  And unlike with Jakob, I didn't have to have a c-section this time around, which has been wonderful.

After putting Jakob to bed on Saturday night, Dan and I settled in to watch some tv before getting some sleep.  Around 9:30, I started having a few contractions, which were rather spaced out but pretty painful.  Since I had already made one trip to the hospital a couple of weeks ago with contractions, we didn't think much of it.  But by the time we went to be around 10, the contractions were so painful that I had to go back downstairs because I didn't want to wake Jakob.  We made a quick decision to have our neighbor from across the street come over in case Jakob woke up, called my mom so she could be here in the morning to help with Jakob, and left for the hospital by 10:45.  That 30 minute car ride was brutal, because the contractions were excruciating by then, coming about 2.5 minutes apart, and were heavily focused in my lower back.  Good thing we didn't wait any longer to leave!

By the time we got to the hospital, I was 7/8 cm dilated and in some serious back labor pain.  We tried having me sit and stand in different positions while waiting for the anesthesiologist, but nothing was taking the edge off.  I still feel for Dan that he had to watch me in so much pain, because it must have been awful for him.  He was so incredibly supportive and wonderful, as always.

The anesthesiologist arrived when I was about 9 cm dilated, and on the second attempt finally got the epidural in place properly.  At that point I was begging them to do whatever it took, and I think I even obnoxiously asked if it was too late to have a c-section.  They gave me a higher than normal dose of meds to take the pain away more quickly, which was a massive relief almost immediately.  Apparently that was enough to loosen up my hips, because Everleigh was able to turn over to face in the right direction, and from that point on my pain was significantly lessened.  Even though I was 10 cm, the doctors gave me a little while to relax and regain some strength before the pushing began.

Once I felt up to it, the doctors came back and the final phase began.  By this point all I could feel was pressure, and compared to the back labor it was minimally uncomfortable.  In less than 12 minutes of pushing, our little Everleigh was out and in our arms.  All in all, it was an amazing experience, and while I could have done without the back labor, this was absolutely easier than having a c-section!

Everleigh has been doing great with nursing from the get-go, and she even gained an ounce the first day of her life.  We were discharged Monday around 1, and were happy and relieved to come home and begin our new life as a family of four.

Dan went to get Jakob at daycare, and I've got to admit that I was nervous about how he would react.  He's seen Cecily a lot in the past 3 months and is very fond of her, but this is clearly a different situation.  But he burst in the door saying "Evie!  Evie!" and was so thrilled to meet her.  I know we're still in for an adjustment, but he's already doing so well with the transition, and he will be such a wonderful big brother to her.

Thanks to everyone who reads the blog for your ongoing love and support of our family.  A special thanks to my mom for being so willing to jump in the car in the middle of the night and help take care of Jakob while I was in the hospital.  Dan and I have always felt so lucky to have such amazing friends and family, and we feel even more blessed now that we've completed our family and can share our newest addition with all of you.

It doesn't seem possible that any one person should be as lucky as I am to have a loving, devoted husband and two healthy, gorgeous babies to love with every ounce of my being, but I am so truly grateful for the charmed life I'm living.  My heart is overflowing with love and happiness.

Sorry for the lengthy, all-text post.  Pictures from the last few days before Everleigh's arrival as well as pictures of her and Jakob since her birth will be coming soon!


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