It's All Coming Back to Me Now...

It's funny what you forget (and how quickly) as a parent.  It seems like every new milestone Everleigh hits reminds me of Jakob doing it, but it's almost always a reminder, and less often something I'm anticipating.  Thank goodness for this blog so I can dig up memories!  

Anyway, one thing Jakob LOVED to do when he got mobile enough to get himself to it was pull our CDs and photo albums off the shelf we've got next to the TV.  I remember thinking back then that we should totally get rid of it, but we never did because it covers up some wires (which he would inevitably have pulled on).  Turns out this is one of Everleigh's new favorite things to do.  What's funny about it this time around is that Jakob likes to scold her, even though he still likes to pull his Disney DVDs off the top shelf.

Don't mind me.  Just perusing Mommy and Daddy's selection of music.
You caught me!  It looks like I'm already behind bars from this view.


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