Grandma and Grandpa Janelle Visit Vermont

In an effort to keep semi-contemporaneous records, we're shifting gears to twice daily posts for a little while.  I don't expect to be able to keep up with even daily posts for much longer (I might be a bit busy!), but for now I've got lots of pictures ready to go!

Grandma and Grandpa Janelle came to visit us for Memorial Day weekend.  We had a truly excellent first two days, but then Jakob ended up with the virus I referenced in the post yesterday, so they cut the visit short by a day to give us time to rest him up.  Fortunately they'll be back for a night this coming weekend -- with Aunt Karen, yay!

I'm ready for our visitors!  Look, I'm even awake for once during the day!
Nevermind, I'm sleeping again.  And no, there can never be too much pink.
Some quality time with Grandpa Janelle
Enjoying a breakfast feast!
I'm a truly excellent snuggler


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