Moretown Playground

Last Sunday we packed up the car after Jakob's nap and headed to Moretown so Jakob and Graham could have a play date.  It had been so rainy all of last weekend (and most of last week, and most of next week if the forecast holds true), and it was a welcome relief for all of us to get a bit of fresh air between showers.

Carrie had called to invite us at 3, and I made the mistake of telling Jakob we would be going to see Graham right away, instead of waiting until after I was done showering and getting ready.  Poor Dan had to hold off a very excited little man, who spent the next 45 minutes stomping around the house chanting Graham's name until we left!

Holding Daddy's hands on our walk
I love the big boy swing!
Mommy said this little playhouse reminded her of Silence of the Lambs
I don't have a clue what she's talking about, but I like sheep, and I liked playing in here
Good times in Moretown, as always!


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