First Poop on the Potty!

I apologize that this whole post will qualify as TMI (and sorry, future Jakob, for the embarrassment it'll inevitably cause), but this is a big day in our house.  After I left for work today, Jakob went poop in his potty for the first time!  Dan noticed him straining and asked if he wanted to sit on the potty.  For the first time, Jakob said "uh huh," let Dan undress him, and sat on his potty until he was "all done."  He tried to flush it down about 10 times and was rather confused that it stayed in place, as opposed to what he sees the normal potty do, but he was VERY proud of himself nevertheless.  He said "Jakey did it" the whole way to daycare, and he even tried to go again when we got home.  

We certainly don't expect this to be the new normal in our house, but we're very excited and proud of the little guy anyway.  Way to go Jakob on this big (although little, as you can see in the picture) milestone!

A tiny deposit, but a big deal
Very pleased!


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