The Cord and the Virus

Yesterday was a busy day at our house!  Everleigh's umbilical cord fell off during a diaper change.  It got a little stuck to her shirt and just came off on its own, with no bleeding or other problems.  She has an adorable little belly button now!

Jakob woke up a couple of nights ago with a fever, and all day yesterday was feverish, sluggish, and just not his usual self.  He had a bit of a rough night again last night, but he seems like he's on the path to better health again today.  He still doesn't have any appetite and is less than full energy, but it seems like the fever broke overnight, so here's hoping he's back to 100% by tomorrow.

Tomorrow is also a big day because it'll be the first day Dan goes back to work for a full day, which means Everleigh and I have the day to ourselves.  I'm thinking of going grocery shopping with her (I know, glamorous) and taking her for a little stroller walk if the weather is nice.  It'll also be my first time picking Jakob up from daycare with Everleigh with us as well.  I'm definitely nervous about lugging her around in the car seat while trying to get Jakob's belongings rounded up and keeping him safe going down the stairs and in the parking lot, but I'm sure we'll get it done without too much trouble.


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