Eli's Second Birthday Party

Jakob's buddy Eli turned two on November 8th, and the Detweilers threw a big party for him at their beautiful new house just up the road from us.  There were lots of people and tons of delicious food, and all the little ones had a fabulous time.  Eli was so cute opening his presents, taking time to look at each and playing with the wrapping paper.  Jakob and Caleb, seasoned pros at turning two, decided he wasn't opening gifts quickly enough for their liking and started helping him take things out.  Fortunately Eli didn't seem to mind the help!

Is it time for Eli's party yet?
Look at me, all dressed up and ready to go!
Clearly I like dresses
No makeup needed before going out when you're this naturally gorgeous
Eli's grandma blew up balloons and made swords for us
Jakob, Jakob jump up and down!
Here Caleb and I are opening Eli's presents
We also like his tower


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