Everleigh is Six Months Old!

Our sweet baby doll is six months old today!  It's been a rough few days and lots of restless nights thanks to a cold, fever, and stomach virus over the weekend and her ongoing adjustment to life at daycare, but she still gave me lots of big smiles for our monthly photo shoot this morning.  I sound like a broken record, but I can't believe how fast the time is going.  She's getting so big (her 6 month appointment is this Friday, so we'll find out how big then), is super happy most of the time, loves to make all sorts of sounds and raspberries, and is getting SO close to sitting unassisted.  Right now she's able to sit upright for long periods of time with the Boppy behind her for a tiny bit of support and protection, and she's started lunging/reaching for toys that she's dropped when she's sitting.  Her favorite thing to watch is actually a person -- big brother Jakob, naturally -- and she's doing well with eating her solids.  She's such a beautiful little baby, inside and out.  Happy six months, Everleigh!  We love you!

I'm dressed for the cold weather on my six month birthday
Oh look!  This vest has a hood!
Six months of smiles <3


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