Father's Day Brunch

The morning of Father's Day, we headed back over the mountain for a brunch at the Gilmans'.  If it seems like we see a lot of them, it's because we do!  With all the kids so close in age, they've been my shining stars of child rearing, showing me what's to come, allowing me to vent my frustrations and concerns, and demonstrating just how to rock being a family of four in the Vermont wild.  I don't know how I would get through some of the tough and sleep-deprived times without Carrie's constant support and companionship.  Plus, Graham and Jakob can't get enough of each other.  Jakob's first word when he woke up Sunday morning was Graham!

These are also pictures from Everleigh's four week birthday.

Enjoying some play time on Cecily's activity mat while she naps
Who's that lady?
Trying to roll over already
Snuggling in the captain's chair!


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