Play Ball

Jakob found a bat he got from one of his cousin's birthday parties a while back in the shed this weekend and wanted to give it a try.  We brought out his two big balls, gave him a few simple pointers as to how to hold the bat with two hands and keep it up by his shoulder while he was waiting, made him promise not to swing it like a weapon when people are nearby, and let him have at it.  He got a total kick out of trying to hit the ball and yelled "HIT!" after nearly every swing.  He made some impressive contact a few times, despite relying on a downward hacking motion.  When I told him to keep his eyes on the ball, he squeezed them funny!

Okay, I'm stepping into the batting cage
I'm going to call my shots, just like the Babe
Swing, batter!
Tell the Yankees I'm ready to be called up
Post-batting practice family shot


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