Jakob's Sleep Stars

Since Everleigh was born, Jakob has been suffering through a serious sleep regression.  (It probably goes without saying that we've been suffering a bit with him, although with a newborn we weren't expecting 8 hours of sleep anyway.)  I knew it would be an adjustment for him after we brought her home, and I didn't really know what to expect.  Thankfully he's been his usual, fabulous self during the day, so it's really just getting him to sleep without screaming that's been the issue.  And really, it could be a lot worse...I'm sure some kids get really violent and disobedient when a new sibling enters the family.

I came up with a modified version of something I've heard of for potty training and called it Jakob's Sleep Stars.  Each night that he goes to sleep without crying, he gets to put a star on the chart.  For every three stars, he gets special truck stickers.  Every fourth time he gets three stars (the rainbow circles on the chart), he'll get a toy.  It took us almost a week to get three stars, but he was so proud of himself Monday morning when he earned his first truck stickers.  I gave him two, because I was very proud of him too.  It's a small step in the right direction, and it still takes him forever to get to sleep, but we're in the business of celebrating baby steps around here, so way to go Jakob!

Here's my special star that shows I earned truck stickers!
I'm so excited!
I'm going to rearrange my truck stickers until they don't stick to my shirt anymore


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