Aunt Karen Meets Everleigh

Aunt Karen came to visit us for three nights earlier this week so she could meet Everleigh and help me handle housework/Jakob/life.  Everleigh loved having a new person to snuggle, and Jakob really enjoyed having a new playmate who could be just as goofy as he is.  He particularly liked telling her "You're a stuffed shell, Auntie Karen" and waking her up in the morning.  Since she left Wednesday afternoon, he's been asking about her almost constantly.  I've got him convinced that she's gone on a very long, very far away errand, but that we're all looking forward to seeing her again soon.

Anxiously awaiting Aunt Karen's arrival
Meeting her niece for the first time
We made sure Grandma Janelle got some snuggles in too
All dressed up in an adorable outfit from Great Grandma!


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