Everleigh's Two Week Appointment

Everleigh had her two week doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and she got an A+ report.  She's grown an inch and gained almost 2 pounds in just that short amount of time (putting her up to 20 inches and 8 pounds, 5 ounces), which is excellent.  Thankfully Aunt Karen was at the appointment with us to help me remember details, because Everleigh showed off her fully functional lungs and screamed the whole time.  Between the volume level of her cries and the fact that the newborn exam room is kept at about 80 degrees, both KJ and I were sweating by the time it was over.  But we're very happy with Everleigh's progress, so it's all good!

Yesterday I managed to take both Everleigh and Jakob for a long walk, which is something I've wanted to do but have been nervous about.  I still need to take it slow, and both Everleigh and I had had it by the time we got back to the house, but it went well.  I had Everleigh snuggled against me in the Ergo, and Jakob did a great job in the stroller.  Initially I thought we were just going to the playground, but then Jakob decided he wanted to go up the road to see the cows, so we added that stop (and additional mile) into our trip.  Naturally he still wanted to go to the playground to swing afterwards, so we stopped there and got even more fresh air.  Score one for Mommy!


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