Everleigh Milestones: "Ma Ma," "Ba," and Cat and Dog Love

Everleigh has been getting very vocal lately, and although I'm not sure Dan is ready to admit this yet, I'm officially making the call that she says MaMa now.  :-)  (Score one for Mommy that she said this before DaDa.  If you're wondering, Jakob said DaDa light years before he said MaMa.)  She's been making the "m" sound for a while, but I firmly believe that she's progressed to "ma" now.  She also makes "ba" sounds, although less frequently.  And there's still lots of happy screeching and bubble blowing.

Last weekend, Dan and I both noticed on separate occasions that if we ask Everleigh where the cat is, she'll look around until she sees one of the cats, then she stares at it and laughs.  She can do the same thing when we ask her where the dog is.  What a smart baby doll!!


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