Cookies for Santa, Carrots for Rudolph

Jakob got much more excited about Christmas the closer it got.  At first he didn't seem to care about Santa, and he definitely showed no interest in Rudolph.  He was pleased about the idea of presents, but the "magic" of the holiday season was otherwise unimportant to him...until the last few days.  He started talking about Santa, singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and generally getting into the spirit of the season.  Over those last few days, I repeatedly told him that we would leave Santa a snack and drink and carrots for Rudolph, and eventually he caught on to it and looked forward to helping put it out.  When we put him down for bed that night, he was super tired but excitedly repeated that Santa was going to come to his house, he would eat the cookies and drink the milk, and he would leave presents.  I think next year we're going to be 100% into the holiday swing with Jakob!

We're picking the best cookies for Santa
Mommy wanted to leave a Hershey kiss for Santa, but I just had to eat it.
Better sample the milk, just to make sure it's good enough for Father Christmas
Mmm, I should probably sample some of the M&Ms we left for him too
Christmas kisses (does this earn us more presents?)
I bet Santa needs a whole train, just like mine, to deliver all the gifts


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