Christmas Eve Ornaments

It's a tradition in Dan's family that the kids all got new ornaments for the tree on Christmas Eve.  We loved that idea so much that we adopted it in our house too, so this Christmas Eve we let Jakob open the ornaments we had gotten for both kids.  We got Jakob a mixer truck ornament, and he was so excited about it that he pretended to drive it around on the floor.  For Everleigh's first Christmas, we got her a special ornament from Danforth Pewter.  It's a little bear holding a pink star.

In the Janelle house, part of our Christmas Eve tradition was to open gifts from our dear family friends, the Masones, on Christmas Eve.  Jakob loved tearing into those as well, and he was more than happy to play with his new Duplo train.

Because Dan and I were excited about his new cement mixer truck (Jakob had been asking for that all season long), we let him open that too.  It was wonderful to have Aunt Karen and my parents around for all the fun.

These are my candy cane pants.  Now were are the presents?
I'm still not sure how I feel about this dancing, singing snowman.  Good thing I've got Aunt Karen here to snuggle me.
I've decided I want it
Everleigh is too little to open gifts, so I'm opening them for her.
I love my first ornament, but I may need help getting it on the tree
Mixer truck!
I want to play with it before I put it on the tree
Aunt Karen heard my request for help
That's a great spot for my first ornament


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