Santa's Helpers

Have I mentioned Jakob was sick and wasn't his normal, fun loving self at the beginning of December?  Well, despite that, we dragged him and Everleigh into Richmond for their holiday market so they could see Santa and take a sleigh ride.  He was actually very happy for most of it, including the sleigh ride and the huge horses that pulled it, but he wasn't too excited about seeing Santa.  Neither kid cried, but as you can see from the rather hilarious pictures, they weren't "Christmas card" moments either.

I don't know who this Santa is, but I'm happy to be his helper!
This is Santa?  Nevermind, I don't want to help.
E:  Must. Pull. Beard.
J:  I can't believe Mommy made me do this when I don't feel good.
This was as good as the pictures with Santa got.  A frown, closed eyes, and a seriously strained smile.  
Mommy promised I could have a candy cane if I got within 2 feet of you.
J:  I'm just going to help myself.
E:  Someone get me off this guy's lap.


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