
Showing posts from November, 2014

Hunter's Breakfast

Last Sunday morning we went a couple of doors down to the church for the Hunter's Breakfast.  The place was packed and noisy, which was fine by us because no one could hear the kids screeching.  :-)  Dan had the Eight Pointer, and I had the Whitetail, and both were delicious.  Jakob ate half of my french toast, and Everleigh enjoyed some sweet potato and cereal. We're off to breakfast I'm coming too! I like outings that involve eating Toast, french toast, syrup, bacon, and kind of meal Can't forget the apple juice to wash it all down I got to eat some orange food, so you know I'm a happy baby

ThanksFriendsMas 2014

Last weekend we headed to Shelburne for our annual ThanksFriendsMas meal with our Vermont family.  Sarah generously agreed to host at her parents' spectacular, spacious home, and she cooked a turkey that could have won awards for appearance and taste.  It was so nice to see our friends, enjoy a HUGE meal and some drinks, and let the kiddos play together. I'm so happy to be wearing another cute dress for another party! So glad you're back from NYC for a visit, Dr. Daley.  How about a fist bump? Our lovely little lady with the equally lovely host Hey, I'm Mr. Tambourine Man  I see a candle, so naturally I'm singing happy birthday Pop quiz.  In playing with this car I: a.  Knocked two wheels off b.  Potentially allowed the dog to swallow one wheel c.  Put a half-eaten pickle under the hood d.  All of the above Graham and I are sharing the toys we brought Time to chow down!

Sweet Potatoes

Another orange food for Everleigh, another victory for Mommy and Daddy. I can see the orange color of the food in that pouch, so naturally I'm excited to give it a try Open wide! Coming of me with an orange nose from all the orange foods I'm eating

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Hall Family!  We're headed to Hamilton, NY to spend Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa Hall's house.  We're looking forward to seeing them and Aunt Jaimie and Uncle Travis, who live a couple of miles away, and we're VERY excited to see Aunt Jaimie's beautiful baby bump.  Grandma and Grandpa Hall generously invited Grandma and Grandpa Janelle, who will be in New York as well to celebrate the holiday and Grandpa Janelle's birthday tomorrow.  Also joining us are Jaimie's brother, Adam, and his wife and two kids.  Avary is five and is such an adorable little gal with a lot of personality, and Jaxon is only two months younger than Jakob, so they should be fast friends.  In all likelihood, Hamilton will never be the same after those three spend the weekend there, ha!  We'll have lots of pictures later next week.  In the meantime, enjoy some pictures from the past few days that I'm finally getting around to posting, and enjoy th

Dual Bath

Last week Dan put both kids in the tub together, sort of.  Everleigh isn't sitting unsupported yet, and Jakob loves to thrash around in the tub, so Dan made the smart decision to keep Everleigh in her baby tub while Jakob's space got reduced by half.  The kids thought it was hilarious, and my bathroom floor got a good washing.  :-) Two in the tub! We've got lots of ducks to work with, Everleigh Oh, I like how they can squirt! Foie gras anyone? This is even more fun than a bath by myself But all good things must come to an end, so it's time to rinse off and get into our PJs

Baby Bullet

Go Bullets! Baby Bullet with Mama Bullet


Nope, she's not a fan...yet. Time for food!  Hooray! What are bananas? Apparently they're a food I don't like. Happy faces when the oatmeal comes back!

It's Wood Stove Season

Shirts are optional when it's 76 degrees in the house Here's a good example of when red eye reduction fails.  I still look cute though.

Update on Everleigh's Solids

Yeah, I know, I'm dropping the ball with the daily posts.  Apparently it's a lot of work to have two children.  Who knew!?  :-) Anyway, Everleigh has been doing a great job with eating solids.  Clearly baby girl has her mama's appetite, and she kicks her feet with excitement every time we put her in her high chair.  She opens wide when the spoon gets near her mouth, and barely any dribbles back out.  Surprisingly, she seems to love carrots and butternut squash.  Even more surprisingly, she hasn't done nearly as well with apples or bananas.  Pictures below of her first foray into the world of applesauce. I'm swishing these apples around I don't know about this <Insert gagging sounds here>

Good morning!

Nothing like happy babies to get your day off to a great start! Toes are fun Watch out, Kenya!  Soon I'll be chasing you around, just like Jakob! Speaking of Jakob, here he is to give me a kiss I like my new bear shirt And I like sticking out my tongue...a lot Bye-bye!  See you next time!

Everleigh is Six Months Old!

Our sweet baby doll is six months old today!  It's been a rough few days and lots of restless nights thanks to a cold, fever, and stomach virus over the weekend and her ongoing adjustment to life at daycare, but she still gave me lots of big smiles for our monthly photo shoot this morning.  I sound like a broken record, but I can't believe how fast the time is going.  She's getting so big (her 6 month appointment is this Friday, so we'll find out how big then), is super happy most of the time, loves to make all sorts of sounds and raspberries, and is getting SO close to sitting unassisted.  Right now she's able to sit upright for long periods of time with the Boppy behind her for a tiny bit of support and protection, and she's started lunging/reaching for toys that she's dropped when she's sitting.  Her favorite thing to watch is actually a person -- big brother Jakob, naturally -- and she's doing well with eating her solids.  She's such a beauti

Eli's Second Birthday Party

Jakob's buddy Eli turned two on November 8th, and the Detweilers threw a big party for him at their beautiful new house just up the road from us.  There were lots of people and tons of delicious food, and all the little ones had a fabulous time.  Eli was so cute opening his presents, taking time to look at each and playing with the wrapping paper.  Jakob and Caleb, seasoned pros at turning two, decided he wasn't opening gifts quickly enough for their liking and started helping him take things out.  Fortunately Eli didn't seem to mind the help! Is it time for Eli's party yet? Look at me, all dressed up and ready to go! Clearly I like dresses No makeup needed before going out when you're this naturally gorgeous Eli's grandma blew up balloons and made swords for us Jakob, Jakob jump up and down! Here Caleb and I are opening Eli's presents We also like his tower