Bassinet to Crib

We made the switch yesterday from having the crib in Jakob's room to putting it in our room so that Everleigh is no longer in the bassinet.  She's still right next to our bed, but with the crib being so much bigger, it feels like it's given us a bit of distance.  She had a totally normal night in the crib, so hopefully she'll continue to make a seamless adjustment.

I was worried about how Jakob would handle the news, even though he hasn't slept in his crib in months.  (His ability to somehow catapult himself out, even at its lowest setting, immediately ended his crib days.)  I tried to talk to him about the change the whole way home from daycare, because I've read that it's often tough for the older child to see the baby in the crib.  Of all the things that we're reusing with Everleigh, this is probably the only one that he distinctly remembers using himself.  We took him upstairs and tried to make a big deal about how he had more room to play in his room now, and how it gives him more space to sleep in his big boy bed (or on the ground next to it, as he often does.)  He said he wanted to see the crib in our room, so we took him across the hall.  I laid Everleigh in it to show him, and he almost instantly started crying.  At first he kept saying "No, she's too little!"  (He pronounces little like "wittow," which made it even more adorable.)  Then he got to the root of the problem and said "I want my crib!"  Unlike the normal, irrational toddler tantrums, this one was really heart breaking.  Fortunately he asked to go raspberry picking on the way home from daycare, so that put him in a much better mood, and was a nice Mommy/Jakob outing.  He hasn't shed any more tears over the crib, so hopefully it won't be as much of an issue for him from now on.  Considering all the changes there have been in the past four months, he's done such a great job handling himself.  And now he's at Toys R Us with Daddy, getting a little present for being such a wonderful boy.


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