Uncle John's 60th Birthday Party

The impetus for us making the trip to CT last weekend was my Uncle John's 60th birthday party at the legendary Paradise Pizza.  Jakob was very excited to see his cousins Mikey, Jack, and Anthony, and the boys didn't disappoint in the fun department.  I'm not sure how thrilled the other patrons were, but Jakob and Mikey immediately bonded and spent most the evening running back and forth, giggling and screeching like wild ones.  It was such a great time!

I'm not feeling great yet, so I'm relaxing with Grandma and saving my energy for the party
Oh yummy, it's dinner time!
I insisted on eating with my cousins
All four boys seated and looking (relatively) happy for pictures...a true birthday miracle!
I can't imagine anything more fun than playing with my cousins
Mikey and Jack are such cool big boys....I love watching them
I am so very happy right now
Cake with blue frosting?  Don't mind if I do!  And yes, I'm smearing it on chocolate milk. 
All that sugar from dessert gave me the energy I need to keep playing with Mikey.  WOO HOO!


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