Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings time is not a friendly concept.  I seriously hope the rumors that it's going to be eliminated are true.  That being said, it's gone relatively smoothly in our house this time around.  Jakob woke up at 5:45 (not adjusted) on Sunday morning, and instead of trying to get him back to sleep, I just scooped him out of his crib and brought him downstairs.  His nap and bedtime schedule fell nicely into place, and although we're all a little bit off, it hasn't been all that bad.

Besides that going better than we could hope, Sunday was a GORGEOUS day (hello sunshine and 30s!), so we spent a lot of it outside.  With the bright sun and snow, we figured we would try putting Jakob's sunglasses on him.  To our great surprise and pleasure, he didn't take them off once during our morning walk.  He also loved throwing rocks into the river -- not entirely frozen anymore! -- and showing the ducks how to flap their wings.

The coolest kid in Huntington
Like father, like son (well, except for the facial hair)
Nothing but blue skies to match my jacket today
It's spring training time
Winding up...
...check out my follow through and how far I threw my rock!
I'm ready with another heater
Attention ducks!  Your lesson in flapping is about to begin!
You've got to put your head down and throw all your energy into flapping
On to our next adventure of the day


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