Happy Hall Holiday

I hope you're ready for LOTS of pictures from Christmas, because I had the camera out and took a lot of good ones.  We started our holiday extravaganza at the Hall's house in Hamilton, where we had lots of snow, food, presents, and cheer. 

I'd rather sit here than in my car seat, but if you insist, I'll move to the back

This is the first time Grandma and Grandpa Hall have seen me eat solids!

Mmmm, I love cereal

Sitting with Grandpa by the stove is so warm and cozy

The Hall men

Trying some mashed potatoes....GOOD!

That ceiling fan is mesmerizing

Keep it coming, Shirley

Kisses for Nana (how do you like seeing it in writing, Molly?!)

Showing Grandpa my nifty holiday vest

This present is shiny and delicious

I'm the coolest cat in town thanks to my new hat from Aunties Sarah and Heather and Uncle Mark!

I'm ready to let out a rebel yell

It's even more adorable up close

AHHHHH!!!!  (Here's that yell I promised)

I also got an amazingly tasty puzzle shaped like a rainbow

Yellow is good and good for you

I'm going to chew into this present instead of ripping the paper

Talk about a perfectly shaped rainbow head

Daddy's new firefighting mug is fun to gum too

This bubble paper was one of my favorite toys while in Hamilton

Mommy read me a new book

Brr, it's cold outside!  Good thing I got a fuzzy new blanket!

Great Grandpa Gubbins always loved cardinals.  I miss him this Christmas, but he's with me in my heart.


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