
Showing posts from June, 2014

Ramp Garage

Grandma and Grandpa Janelle sent Jakob this awesome ramp garage for all his cars and trucks in the hopes that it would buy me a few minutes of quiet time when I've got both kiddos home with me during Thursdays and Fridays.  He loves it (and so does Dan!) I'm filling up my cars and trucks with fuel at the gas pump Check out the intense ramp structure Whoa!  My cars go so fast down these ramps!


Jakob likes to "work" at his computer just like Daddy works on the real computer! Better get logged in ASAP so the boss doesn't think I'm slacking Sheesh, lots of emails to get through.  Good thing I've got a mug of milk to get me through that 3 o'clock feeling Eh, enough business.  Time to quit for the day.

Bad to the Bone

I look bad to the bone (and super cute) in these new PJs!

New Dress

Everleigh was looking lovely in her new dress from Grandma and Grandpa Hall! Dresses like these are why Mommy thinks girls' clothes are cuter than boys' Of course it helps when you're working with such a cute face to go with the outfit!

Cars Swimsuit

Grandma and Grandpa Janelle also sent Jakob a Lightning McQueen bathing suit set, which he put on over the weekend to show Grandma and Grandpa Hall how he throws rocks in the river. I'm all ready to go down to the river Those rocks will be so impressed by my amazing swimsuit Time to show off my new clothes to Kenya I'm showing Grandma how Kenya gives kisses And sometimes she gives little nips with her teeth They're just love nips, though!  Enough cats, it's river time!

Play Ball

Jakob found a bat he got from one of his cousin's birthday parties a while back in the shed this weekend and wanted to give it a try.  We brought out his two big balls, gave him a few simple pointers as to how to hold the bat with two hands and keep it up by his shoulder while he was waiting, made him promise not to swing it like a weapon when people are nearby, and let him have at it.  He got a total kick out of trying to hit the ball and yelled "HIT!" after nearly every swing.  He made some impressive contact a few times, despite relying on a downward hacking motion.  When I told him to keep his eyes on the ball, he squeezed them funny! Okay, I'm stepping into the batting cage I'm going to call my shots, just like the Babe Swing, batter! HIT! Tell the Yankees I'm ready to be called up Post-batting practice family shot

Heavy Lifting

Seriously, those chubby cheeks are amazing! I have very kissable cheeks I'm thinking about lifting my head up and summoning the energy Gravity is no match for me! Whew, that was some seriously tough work I've earned a nap after all that heavy lifting

Everleigh Meets Grandma and Grandpa Hall

Grandma and Grandpa Hall came to visit us this weekend to meet Everleigh and see Jakob.  We had so much fun and beautiful weather to enjoy! Hello, Grandpa Daddy is introducing me to Grandma My Hall men sure do love me Snuggles with Grandma Check it out!  Grandma found a train just like the one Grandma and Grandpa Janelle had for me! Doing what I do best during the day We're digging for treasure in my sandbox!

Lightning McQueen

Thanks to Grandma Janelle for sending these totally awesome Lightning McQueen clothes!  Jakob loves them and was so excited to wear them! Check out my new Lightning McQueen shirt! It even came with a race car jacket I'm going to be the coolest kid at day care in this outfit...KaChow!

Jakob's Sleep Stars

Since Everleigh was born, Jakob has been suffering through a serious sleep regression.  (It probably goes without saying that we've been suffering a bit with him, although with a newborn we weren't expecting 8 hours of sleep anyway.)  I knew it would be an adjustment for him after we brought her home, and I didn't really know what to expect.  Thankfully he's been his usual, fabulous self during the day, so it's really just getting him to sleep without screaming that's been the issue.  And really, it could be a lot worse...I'm sure some kids get really violent and disobedient when a new sibling enters the family. I came up with a modified version of something I've heard of for potty training and called it Jakob's Sleep Stars.  Each night that he goes to sleep without crying, he gets to put a star on the chart.  For every three stars, he gets special truck stickers.  Every fourth time he gets three stars (the rainbow circles on the chart), he'll

Father's Day Brunch

The morning of Father's Day, we headed back over the mountain for a brunch at the Gilmans'.  If it seems like we see a lot of them, it's because we do!  With all the kids so close in age, they've been my shining stars of child rearing, showing me what's to come, allowing me to vent my frustrations and concerns, and demonstrating just how to rock being a family of four in the Vermont wild.  I don't know how I would get through some of the tough and sleep-deprived times without Carrie's constant support and companionship.  Plus, Graham and Jakob can't get enough of each other.  Jakob's first word when he woke up Sunday morning was Graham! These are also pictures from Everleigh's four week birthday. Enjoying some play time on Cecily's activity mat while she naps Who's that lady? Trying to roll over already Snuggling in the captain's chair!

One Month

Everleigh is one month old today!  Here are a few pictures of our sweet baby doll on this happy day. Which do you like better?  The blue to match my flower? Or the pink to match my stripes? I'm one month old! My big brother tells me I have to endure this 11 more times It'll be a while before I'm as big as you, Elmo

Where's My Thumb?

This morning at 1:00 a.m. during a diaper change, Everleigh found her thumb for the first time!  Obviously I didn't have the camera ready for the late night milestone, but I'm hopeful she'll find it again soon at a more convenient time for documenting.

Pre-Father's Day BBQ

The Gilmans came over Saturday night to BBQ in Huntington.  The weather was great, the kids were well behaved, and the food was delicious! Beauties...inside and out! Nothing like brownies, ice cream, and a best buddy But seriously, Mom.  Enough with the pictures already! Totally engrossed in the Cars movie But not so wrapped up in the movie that they can't wrap each other up for a hug