Merry Christmas to All

Merry Christmas!  We hope Santa has been good to all of you!

Last Saturday we took Jakob to Grandma Janelle's preschool to listen to the Polar Express and see Santa.  Jakob was initially very shy with the children, but he slowly warmed up and made a couple of friends.  When Santa walked in, Jakob looked at him with a wide open mouth and a look of awe.  He looked at Santa, looked at me, and then pointed to what he was wearing.  You can see from the pictures below why Jakob was surprised by Santa's appearance.

I've heard Santa comes down the chimney.  When I'm dressed like Santa, I like to use the stairs.
Is it naughty to jump on the bed?
It's not's fun!!
I'm letting Grandma give me a kiss
I see Mommy inside
I'd like a picture with Auntie for Christmas
My wish came true!
I'm Mommy's favorite present every day of the year
Cutest Santa ever


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