Visiting Santa

Saturday morning we met up with the Nagurneys at the Richmond Library to see Santa.  Thanks to a terrible night of sleep the night before, Jakob wasn't in any mood to spend quality time with the man of the hour, but we still have a great time overall.

He sees me when I'm sleeping and knows when I'm awake?!
Let me warn you, I'm not in the mood to meet this Santa you speak of
I've been practicing saying Ho, Ho, Ho!
Waiting in line isn't so bad when Greg shares his chocolate
Wyatt and I need more room to play than this little hallway
Ah, the toddler room across the hall...this is much better
They have a fire truck puzzle!
I refused to see Santa unless Daddy let me take the truck I found in the toddler room
This is the calm before the Santa storm
The best one we could get in the 13 seconds of wiggly fussiness with Santa
I'm a little interested in this candy cane, as long as Mommy is holding me
Too bad I wouldn't pose like this with Santa.  Maybe next year.
We're waiting to take a ride on Santa's sleigh!
They have chocolate on this sleigh!  Now I'm excited about it!


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