November 9

Jakob had his six month appointment today (about 2.5 weeks late, but I'm not counting, haha), and he did amazing as usual.  He gained over two pounds since his 4 month appointment, and he's up to 16 pounds 8.5 ounces now.  That means he's officially tripled his birth weight!  He still has a tiny head, but he grew another 1.75 inches and is in the 57th percentile for height.  The doctor called him the happiest baby ever, and although she probably says that five times a day, it was still nice to hear.  He didn't love his three shots, but after a quick round of The Itsy, Bitsy Spider, he was all smiles again.  Talk about a huge success!

November 9 is a big day in our house, because on this date last year we got our first glimpse of our little man.  Of course, at that time, he was still too tiny for the doctors to know his gender, but they assured us he was growing well and healthy.  From the first moment his image appeared on the ultrasound monitor, Dan and I were so in love.  That love has only grown exponentially!

November 9, 2011:

November 9, 2012:


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