To My Baby Girl On Her First Birthday

Happy first birthday, baby doll!  How is it possible that you're already one and an official toddler?  In so many ways your first year has been the fastest one of my life.  Especially in the beginning, my days at home with both you and Jakob were a blur, a seemingly constant battle to keep you both happy, safe, fed, and rested.  Half the time it didn't feel like I was doing any of those things well for either of you.  Yet here we are, one year into your life, and it's clear your Daddy and I are doing pretty well, because you're growing into such a happy, outgoing, adventurous little lady.  Perhaps all the credit should go to you, because you're so inherently wonderful, and we see that more and more as you come into your own.

Life before you came into the world was darn close to perfect, but before you, I felt like something was missing.  With you in our lives, I've got what I was craving, my own little girl to snuggle, play with, laugh with, and adore.  Jakob will always hold a special place in my heart as my first born and my son.  But you get a special place too as my baby, and it's like you share my soul.  Although you're still so little, I feel as though I know all your future happiness and pain...what it's like to follow your passions, find your best friend, have have your heart broken and to break a heart, strive to achieve and be respected as a woman, find your soul mate and start your own family.

You've got so much excitement ahead of you, but today we celebrate everything you've done in the past year.  You're just days away from your first steps.  You've learned how to scoot around to catch up with your brother and the pets.  You've developed the most charmingly contagious smile and laugh, and you're not afraid to showcase them.  Your sweet little babble is so close to forming words.  You've developed likes and dislikes, and you shower people and things that mean the most to you with endless love and attention.

We love you so much, Everleigh Grace, on your birthday and every day.  Your Daddy, Jakob, and I wish you the happiest of birthdays!


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