Oh How Fun, Everleigh is One!

We spent the weekend in New York, which is why I'm behind on Everleigh's 12 month photos.  Hopefully I can take them tomorrow morning so they're only a day or so late.  But being late on the pictures was well worth it, because we had an amazing time.  Everleigh and I finally got to meet Mackenzie, who was even more gorgeous in person.  She gave us some fabulous smiles and seemed to enjoy watching Jakob and Everleigh run around and screech.  Heather and Mark were up from Texas, and it was the first time we've seen them in over a year.  Actually, we saw Heather just two days before Everleigh was born, so we were very excited for her and Mark to meet Everleigh.

We celebrated Everleigh's birthday on Sunday (since today was a travel day for us), and it was a blast.  Heather made delicious chocolate cupcakes, and Molly found a perfect pink strawberry frosting for them.  We borrowed Mackenzie's swing and set up on the front porch for a feast of BBQ chicken and corn, followed by cupcakes for Everleigh and ice cream cake for Mark.  As you can see in the pictures, Everleigh LOVED cupcakes and frosting.  It was funny to watch Jakob carefully eat his cupcake.  He was practically clean, especially compared to Everleigh.  He also did a wonderful job letting Everleigh have her time to shine, which was made easier by the love and attention he got from everyone all weekend.

Getting Everleigh's special space set up
Loving all the pink
Grandma Hall is busy with the frosting
I'm ready to help put out the candles
The ice cream cake...yum!
Pre-dinner and pouting from hunger pains
I had a lot of corn, and now I'm enjoying a little down time with Daddy as I gnaw on this chicken bone
Okay, I'm ready for my cupcake
I'm waiting patiently for a cupcake too
First taste
First taste round two
Look at me!  I get most of mine in my mouth now
I get a lot of mine around my mouth, but believe me...I got a lot in too!
Oh my word
This is so yummy!
I love being one!
Hurray for cupcakes!
Fearlessly getting messy 
The aerial view of my messy face
There's trouble.  My cupcake is almost gone.
Happy birthday to me!  And thanks to everyone for helping me celebrate!


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