Jakob is 2.5 Years Old!

Our little man turned two and a half years old yesterday, and although I'm a day late with this post, I didn't want to let the milestone pass by without acknowledging it.  It's been a bit of a wild ride with him over the past few weeks as his emotional swings have been extreme.  One minute he's his usual hilarious self (like asking me and Dan how our work days were, answering "Daniel Jakob" when I ask him what his middle name is, or making up adorable songs about grandpa sharks), and the next minute he's in the midst of a full-fledged toddler tantrum.  But the one constant throughout it all is how much we love him, and how proud we are of how loving he is with Everleigh.  Considering how quickly these two and a half years have flown by, it's only a matter of time before his occasional toddler terrorist days are in the rear view mirror and we're laughing about how he objected vehemently to taking a bath, only to protest just as passionately when we try to take him out of it.  We love you, Jakob Daniel!


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