Our Little Girl - 32 Week Ultrasound

One of the benefits of Jakob being such a peanut when he was born is that we got an extra ultrasound this time around to make sure our little girl is growing according to schedule.  The ultrasound tech said she looks to be in the 50th percentile for growth, and everything looks healthy and great.  My blood pressure is still where it should be, which is a major relief for now too.

The other piece of good news is that she's head down, so assuming I don't need to have a c-section for other reasons, she's in the right position for labor in a couple of months.  The pictures weren't amazing this time around because she had her face pressed up against the uterine wall (I can confirm based on my own comfort level that things must be tight in there), but I think this still gives a good indication of just how sweet she's going to be.  We're so excited to meet her soon!


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