Jakob's First Hockey Game

We finally took Jakob to his first live sporting event: a college hockey game!  Scott and Anne invited us to join Chuck and Molly for a Dartmouth-Cornell game last Saturday night, so we took the trip down to White River Junction for dinner and a game.  Jakob loved checking out a new house, playing with his cousin Sam, taking the shuttle bus to and from the game, and the game itself.  He was awed by everything about the game...the lights, crowds, music, and food.  He spent a good amount of the game chasing tween girls around (they all thought he was adorable and funny, which encouraged him to chase them even more) and eating.  All in all, it was a ton of fun, and we're looking forward to taking him to see more live sporting events.

Maggie and I are practicing for the hockey game
Cousin Sam and I are playing with this spinning stool
Grandpa is helping me get a bird's eye view of dinner
I've been told we're waiting for a bus, but I'll believe it when I see it
Dare I dream that I'm seeing a bus?!?!
The Jakie on the bus goes up and down
Family photo in front of the bus
So much to see
Yay for hockey games!
Check out my dangling skills
My first treat of the night is some of the best gelato in America from Morano (http://www.forbes.com/sites/larryolmsted/2011/07/05/the-best-gelato-in-america)
We sampled banana and chocolate...
They both made me VERY happy
Treat number 2...a hot dog that weighed almost as much as I do
Quick break in my eating to catch some of the action on the ice
Taking another food break to check out some lovely tween ladies 
Watching the game and wish I was still eating.  What a fun night!


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