First Haircut (Alt. Title: Goodbye, Mullet!)

Dan and I are both fans of the idea of letting Jakob's hair grow to see if he'll end up with a great head of curls like Dan.  I've been pushing for a little trim for a couple of months because Jakob's hair had grown into a baby mullet, but Dan has steadfastly refused.  Lately, I've noticed his bangs have been tickling his eyes, causing him to constantly rub at his face and look a little uncomfortable.  Yesterday morning, I begged Dan to at least cut the front of his hair so it would stop bothering him.  Miraculously, Dan agreed.  Unfortunately, cutting the front only accentuated the mullet in the back.  Much to my great pleasure, Dan volunteered to give the back of Jakob's hair a trim when Jakob woke up from his nap.  Dan did an amazing job, and it looks great!

Just a little snip
No more itchy eyes
Goodbye, mullet!


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