Gettysburg will always be a special place to Dan and me, especially since Jakob is now a part of our memories there.  It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since we graduated (and 10 years since we started dating, whoa!)  Being on campus after the students left for the summer was nice because we had the place to ourselves, and it was peaceful.  Granted, it was 7 a.m. when we were walking around, so that might have had something to do with the lack of crowds.  It was sort of bittersweet to relive old memories and see places that meant so much to us during our four years there, but we both agreed that this chapter in our lives is better and more enriching than even those glory days.  (Sadly I did a terrible job taking pictures of my swimming friends...I was too busy catching up!)

I'm resting up for Gettysburg College
What do you know.  They have toilet paper here too.
This makes me feel right at home.
Our poor neighbors heard a lot of me shrieking and running back and forth!
Having some goldfish at The Pub
I insisted on having Mommy's lemon from her water, even though she and Daddy thought I would hate it.
Turns out I love lemon.
Everyone including the waitresses were very impressed at how I mauled a plate of lemon slices.
My first of many trips to Gettysburg College!
I'm a baby Bullet
Thank goodness there aren't any college students around for these embarrassing touristy shots.
Actually, I kind of dig the canon picture.
Daddy was looking at the building.  I was looking at the trucks.
My mater taking a picture of her alma mater (she took Latin while she was here).
Mommy is so jealous of the new fitness facilities that she can't take a clear picture of me.
Look at this swimming pool!!!
Daddy says I can't go in it, I can only walk around it.
I'm so full from eating at Lincoln Diner
Maya, Kendall, and I are watching the cars and trucks drive around the square.  I was SO excited to meet them!


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