It Doesn't Get Much Better

Every day is filled with fun, adventures, and love in our house, but Saturday was one of those truly perfect days for our family...just a few baby steps better than the rest.  We started the morning with a big breakfast, during which Jakob housed a couple of maple sausages.  Then he and Dan took a trip to the hardware store while I got the house vacuumed.  I finished staining the deck and Dan mowed the lawn while Jakob napped, and when he woke up, we went for our first river swim of the season!  Jakob loved watching Holden tromp around, and he didn't seem phased at all by the cool water.  We spent a while sitting on a towel playing with rocks before heading back to our backyard for more outdoor playtime.  Jakob had some chocolate ice cream (Ben & Jerry's, of course) as we played, read, and watched a pair of Orioles fly around.  For dinner we rolled out his highchair onto the back deck and had a BBQ.  Thank goodness we had stripped him down to just a diaper, because the ketchup was flying, and he was loving it!  He finished up a big meal with a popsicle.  The day ended with tears, but they were mine, not Jakob's, because I was sad such a perfect day was coming to an end.  Fortunately Dan kicked off a bonfire so we could relive the excellent day while listening to peepers and watching fireflies and heat lightning.

I took too many pictures for one post, so I'm going to split them between today and tomorrow...

Heading out for my first official river swim.  I'm so excited!
I'm so brave
I need to hold into Daddy's hands so I don't trip on the stones
Just sitting
This is the way I like spending hot summer days
Time to go swimming
I love watching Holden do his otter impression
I just went in to my chin, but I loved it
Put the camera down and come swimming, Mommy!
Time to dry off and play with these rocks
There are so many to look at
This is my favorite.  Mommy had to put the camera down quickly after this shot to stop me from putting it in my mouth.


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