Quick Visit to Newington

Thanks to the weather, our trip down to Newington was shortened to just one night.  Despite not having as much time there as we wanted, we managed to cram in a ton of fun.  Grandma and Grandpa Janelle got Jakob a set of wooden music toys, we took long stroller rides to enjoy the warm weather, we had dinner with Great Grandma, and we took a trip to Stew Leonard's to check out the people and the entertainment.  The highlight of the trip had to be Jakob's first time eating a little bit of vanilla frozen yogurt.  He never showed an extreme reaction to it like we expected he would, but he repeatedly stuck his face into it and grabbed the cone with his hands.  It was hilarious!

Cool operator
I may look disheveled, but that's just me being an eccentric musical genius
I'm the lyrical gangster
Shake shake shake
Wooden mallets, metal triangles, and wood blocks...oh my!
I'm getting the band back together
Snuggles with Grandma and Zoey
Grandpa, can you believe Mariano Rivera is retiring?  There will be babies born next year that will never be able to say they saw him pitch live.  
More peas, please!
I think I can see Russia from here.  Maybe it's just New Britain.
So. Much. To. Stare. At. 
Let's see what all the fuss is about.
Ummm...yes, please.
I can't be worried about appearances when fro yo is involved


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