Pure Vermont Maple Syrup

This past weekend was open house at all of Vermont's maple syrup houses.  We're lucky in Huntington to have a number of great ones to choose from, as well as the Audubon Society's sugar house.  This year we did two local ones in town, and Jakob loved watching the steam rise up.  He got as close to some calves as he's ever been (he liked them a lot too, until one started mooing), and he tried his first maple syrup cotton candy.  Just a tiny taste, and he was bouncing in my arms!  It's safe to say our first generation Vermonter has syrup in his genes!

Maple syrup deserves a round of applause
Who wants syrup?  I do!  
Enough with the pictures...let's get out there!
You're kind of cute, as long as you're not mooing
Daddy kept me safe from that noisy calf
They're giving away samples over there!  Why aren't you taking me over there?!
Even the steam tastes sweet!
Maple syrup:  so good, it'll make your hair stand on end


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