Big Day...Kenya and Grocery Shopping

Jakob is really interested in Kenya these days (fortunately, not so much for Hemingway.)  She's equally interested in him, so we've been treated to some amusing face-offs lately.  Also, Jakob came with me to the grocery store for the first time ever today.  I know, I did I wait five months before taking him shopping?  Well, considering its 30+ minutes to drive to the nearest real store, plus the time it takes to shop and checkout, it's a precise science in napping/nursing/shopping.  But he did great, got lots of compliments, and didn't make a peep the whole time.

Do you think she can see me?!
Oh!  Kitty!  There you are!
I need at least one photo all to myself.
We both have rather intense stares when we want to
Bag of romaine: $3.99.  Price Chopper brand ice cream: $2.99.  Jakob Daniel Hall: Priceless.


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