I am Batman!

Grandma and Grandpa Janelle are in town for a visit, and we've had lots of fun with Jakob.  Grandma Janelle had bought him a super cute bat costume for Halloween, but seeing as it's three month size and he's squarely in his six month clothes, we thought it best to get him dressed up as Batman today.  Naturally we subjected him to a series of photo shoots.  :-)

We wore matching orange!
I get my hazel eyes from Grandpa Janelle
I am Batman.
Spread my wings and fly!
Daddy is soooo proud to have a superhero for a son
Ready to patrol the streets of Huntington in my stroller...villains can't hide from me!
Whew, being a superhero is tough work.
Time to find a pumpkin!
Will eating these leaves help me maintain my superhero body?
Who are those two creepy dudes on the poles?!
Oh, honestly, Mommy.  Do we really need more pictures?
I've checked it out...these squash are safe.  But evil never sleeps, so neither do I.  (Sorry, Mommy, I hope you weren't expecting much of a nap out of me this afternoon!)


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