Jakob Pooped on the Potty!!!!

Wow, it's so exciting to type those words.  We were home all day together yesterday because daycare was without water, and I must have asked him a dozen times if he wanted to try the potty.  Last night at about 8:00 he told Dan that there would be "no more diapers for Jakob, just undies."  We didn't think it was a great idea to start rekindling his interest in potty training at night without having some daytime success under his belt, so we convinced him to try using the potty then putting pullups on.  He managed to pee a little bit before bed, which is the first time he's done that in forever.

He demanded to wear underwear in the morning, and he had two little accidents, but he managed to stay pretty calm.  When I picked him up this afternoon, before I even got in the gate to the playground, I heard him scream "I POOPED ON THE POTTY!"  He had a smile from ear to ear, and his teacher confirmed that he did, in fact, poop on the potty.  He's getting ready for bed now and just did another pee on the potty, so hopefully we're back on the potty training bandwagon.  He even washes his hands by himself after he goes.  We're so excited!


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