Sunday Snowday

We woke up to about two inches of powdery snow on Sunday morning.  Unfortunately, we also woke up to temps well below zero when you factored in the wind chill.  Jakob still wanted to go outside, so we bundled him from head to toe in his new winter gear and headed out for a few minutes.  He didn't particularly love the snow, but I think with a chance to play in it in slightly warmer temps, he'll figure out how much fun it is to play in it.

Check out my new snow suit and boots!
I'm the Stay-Puff Marshmellow baby!
Faster, Daddy
This would be a winter wonderland if it weren't so windy
We wanted to check on the ducks to make sure they were okay
On the way home we stopped by the town garage to see the big trucks
I'm willing to walk in the snow only to see the truck
Time to help Daddy shovel the back deck


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