Saying Goodbye to Great Grandpa

Although it's never easy to say goodbye, our trip back to CT for Jakob's Great Grandpa's services was a huge success as we celebrated the life of a man who was so loved by his family, friends, and community.  And although it's never easy to mess with a baby's sleep schedule, Jakob was even more perfect than we could have hoped throughout it all.  He got to meet lots of my extended family and had bonus time with his Aunt Karen and Great Grandma.  His big smile and warm snuggles brought all of us such joy in our time of sadness.  We know Great Grandpa will always be smiling down on Jakob!
Daddy giving Jakob a bottle before we left...what a pro!
Getting ready for the wake
Somehow Grandpa managed to avoid getting his picture taken this weekend, but Grandma looks lovely here!
Little man wearing his tribute onesie for his Great Grandpa
Firemen on the front, firetruck on the tush (no picture of that this time around though)
Auntie Karen is a natural!
Post-funeral luncheon at Olympia Diner with Cousin Kelly
Auntie Karen showing off Jakob's firedog and fire hydrant romper
Cousin Carly getting some Jakob time!
Both Dan and Jakob were dressed in their firefighting uniforms
Getting lots of fun time with Auntie Karen!
This one is for Auntie Karen and Uncle Andrew, our California crew!
Auntie Karen showing Jakob where his thumb is...she was always the thumb sucking expert growing up!
Jakob loves his Great Grandma!
My favorite picture from the weekend
Great Aunt Karen gets lots of smiles from Jakob


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