Playing with his Toys

Now that Jakob is three months old, I decided it was time to break out the toys he's got that are for kids 3 months and older.  He definitely still likes his hands best, but he had a good time looking at, touching, and shaking some of his new toys.  I'm sure within a couple of weeks he'll appreciate them even more.

We're heading back to CT tomorrow morning for my Grandfather's services, so there will be another picture hiatus (sorry!) until Sunday.

Not sure what to make of Sophie the giraffe...
...but I think he's planning to put her head in his mouth sooner than later.
Got a good grip on his red rattle ball
Playtime is fun!
Perhaps a bit overwhelmed by this one too, ha!
In keeping with the tradition of posting what's on Jakob's tush, may I present Froggy Butt!


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