Big Week Ahead!

Jakob has a big week ahead of him!  Yesterday he slept through the brewing of the first beer we've made since his birth, named Rattlesnake Whip.  Georgia, who is so super talented with art and graphic design, has crafted two outstanding labels for this brew, so we can't wait to get it bottled!  His outfit today is a tribute to Rattlesnake Whip.  I know it's a stretch, but here's how it works out in my head:

Rattlesnakes = Scary.  Monsters usually = scary.  Jakob = so cute it's scary.  Makes sense, right?!

Does this onesie effectively hide my thunder?
Little smile
It's so tough to catch an actual smile, but this is even closer!
We don't like snakes in this house, but if monsters look like this, we're okay with those!
Today he's got his two month appointment, and he'll be getting his first round of immunizations.  Who wants to bet that I cry more than he does?!  Then on Wednesday, Uncle Travis and Aunt Jaimie are coming from Pittsburgh to stay with us for some Fourth of July celebrations.  Not sure that Jakob will see his first fireworks, but he'll have his first clam steaming viewing and probably spend more time by the river than he ever has before.  No doubt there will be some very amusing and sweet pictures to come after Trav and Jaimie's visit!


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