Hot Enough for You?

Indeed, it's more than hot enough for us up here in Vermont today, but that didn't stop Jakob and I from having some goofy fun this morning.  He woke up in a great and active mood, and although there's nothing too exciting going on in the video, it's still cute to watch him squirm around.  

Also, Dan and I weighed Jakob on Monday morning, and he's officially a ten pounder!!  After being such a little peanut when he was born, it's hard to believe his weight is in the double digits now.  :-)  His two month appointment isn't until July 2nd, but I think the doctors will be very pleased with his progress by then.

Looking shocked at how hot it's going to be over the next few days
Flapping his arms and looking very hunky
Mommy's such a goofball in the mornings before her coffee


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