
Showing posts from 2012


What good is having a ton of snow if you don't play in it?! Getting all bundled up I've got about 10 layers on Take me out, Aunt Jaimie.  I'm getting toasty in here! Baby it's cold outside Test run to make sure I don't freak out And we're off! Hanging by the campfire Thanks for getting me a sled, Daddy! I'm having a blast I can't wait until I'm big enough to run around in the snow This is great, Daddy Aunt Jaimie and I have our matching blues on You guys should visit more often Give me some snowflake snuggles, Mommy Uncle Travis is being silly again Ha! What a perfect way to end 2012

Visiting with Uncle Travis and Aunt Jaimie

Uncle Travis and Aunt Jaimie are here for our traditional New Year's get together!  Travis has come to Vermont every year since we moved in 2007, and Jaimie has been here almost every other year since then.  Jakob is so happy to ring in the new year with them! Playing with some of my new blocks So much action! Bubble wrap is so great Help me clap my hands, Aunt Jaimie Oooooh, I like your full beard Flying Jakob Relaxing with Uncle Travis Plenty of room on this here couch Showing off my tummy Uncle Travis doesn't need both his eyes Uncle Travis is so silly! HAHAHA! Peek-a-boo! Where did you go?

Eight Months!

I'm on Auntie Karen's nice list for my eight month birthday I am SOOOOO big! I don't like sitting still for pictures as much now But I still love chewing on my fingers Check out this 8 month old mess.  No mere 7 month old could pull this off.

Christmas Continues

I wasn't kidding about the quantities of pictures I took at Christmas :-) Formal family photo with babies' first Christmas Hi Great Grandma, it's so good to see you again! How do you like my second outfit of the day? It's a proven fact, Santa does rock Playing with cousin Mikey Saratoga tradition of the peppermint pig, which you break with a little silver hammer... ....I'll leave that part to cousins Mikey and Jack.  I'd rather just gum the hammer. What in the world is this?! I think I'd like this better without the wrapper on Sneaking some Mommy time amidst playing with all my friends and family All Mommy wants for Christmas is to give me love A Yankees hat!  I'm ready to support my team! My cousins have a Thomas train...totally cool I'm a conductor Want to play some reindeer games? Grandpa, I like your head gear, but mine is more festive This is as close as Mommy and Aunt Ali are g