Jakob's First Day of Kindergarten and Their First Bus Ride!

Apologies in advance for typos in this post...between being up since 1:30 with excitement (and, truth, nerves) and the emotional rollercoaster of putting your babies on a bus for the first time and having your first child begin school, I'm all over the place right now.  First, an update on Everleigh's first day yesterday.  It was so great that she told Dan to "walk away" when he and Jakob arrived to pick her up, ha!

We started our new routine of waking the kids up at 6:15 this morning.  Actually, thanks to getting to bed a little early last night, Everleigh woke up on her own shortly before that.  Despite having to wake him, Jakob was immediately in a good mood.  Usually he's as slow as a turtle in the morning, but today he got right out of bed, got himself dressed, and took his first day pictures willingly.  After breakfast he even brushed his teeth right away and helped us move Everleigh along, helping me keep track of time until we had to leave.  I think he was seriously excited about taking the bus, which we need to leave our house for at 7:00 at the latest (hence the earlier mornings...I may need a cattle prod after the initial excitement wears off, ha!)  We drove to the bus stop this morning because I wanted to follow the bus to school to make sure they did okay on their first day.  The kids were so excited to see other neighborhood kids and wait with them, and Jakob ran so quickly to the bus that I couldn't even get a picture of him getting on it!  His friend Henry was already on the bus, and I saw Henry get out of his seat to go sit with Jakob...although I couldn't actually see Jakob on the bus.  Everleigh was happy to have us walk her over, and the bus driver cleared out the seat directly behind him for her.  I think she would have liked to sit with Jakob, but she looked happy.

When I got to school, I pulled in directly after the bus and parked about 50 yards away from their classrooms.  By the time I parked and walked over, a period of approximately 2 minutes, both kids were already in their classrooms.  I went through Everleigh's classroom door first, and she looked up from the table where she was already playing with toys and asked "how'd you get here?"  Her teacher Nikki said she did great, but unfortunately she didn't want me to leave (I predicted that yesterday, didn't I?!)  She followed me into Jakob's classroom, where he was busily putting his sweatshirt away and heading to toys.  He was more than happy to give me a hug and kiss and see me leave!  Our big guy!  But unfortunately Everleigh had to be carried out, kicking and screaming, literally.  "My big!  My want to go to kindergarten!"  She ran back into his room, and Jakob carried her back to the door before turning back to his classroom without a glance in my direction...which was both a very proud and somewhat difficult moment for me.  After that, Nikki closed the door to the preschool room so Everleigh couldn't escape again.  She was screaming when I left, but I have a feeling she settled down once I was gone.  (Note to self...do not follow the bus again!)

As first days go, Jakob's morning was an overwhelming success.  I honestly can't believe he's in kindergarten already, and as usual, this was much more difficult on us than it was for him.  We know it won't always be so smooth and easy, but today was definitely a win for our big boy!


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