Duck Boat

Our first trip into Boston was for the purpose of going on a Duck Boat ride.  The kids loved taking the T, and then we had a short walk from the station to and through the Prudential Center.  They were definitely impressed by the height of the buildings and the amount of traffic and people in the city!  After a quick lunch, we boarded the boat.  Our guide was "Professor Quackenstein," and he was nothing short of fantastic.  He was engaging, funny, and knowledgeable.  I had totally forgotten how much important U.S. history took place right in Boston!

Besides the ladder truck driving right by the duck boat, which was a highlight for sure, the kids really liked when the driver took us into the water.  We had told them it would happen, but they needed to see it to believe it.  The Prof. allowed any kid on the boat to drive, and Everleigh's hand shot right up.  She was maybe the 4th kid to drive, and she got lots of comments about how cute she is (and questions about her age, ha!).  She loved being behind the wheel!  Surprisingly Jakob did not want to drive, but he did go up to the front for a high five and sticker.  So awesome!!!


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