Words, Words, Words

It's been a while since I posted anything about Jakob's language development, so before he learns to say so many words that I forget where he started, I thought I'd better make a little list.  He can say many animal sounds, some of which are incredibly funny, including cow, horse, monkey, pig, cat, dog, owl, wolf, dinosaur, elephant, bird, duck, chicken, chick, lion, tiger, snake, sheep, goat, and (sort of) rooster.

He knows that cars and trucks say beep beep, boats say toot toot, trains say choo choo, airplanes go woosh, fire trucks say wee-ooo, and most those machines make a vroom noise.

He's been saying mama and dada for quite some time, and he's added hot, hat, hi, hello, bye-bye, up, all done, Jakey, wheel, apple, ball, tree, bubble, no, wow, cheese, bus, happy, that, big, outside, moon, boots, hay, cracker, tractor, car, juice, banana, and Elmo.


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