
Showing posts from March, 2013

Happy Easter

Hope the Easter bunny is good to you all! I'm Jakob Cottontail  I'm also still teething

Hi Wy-Guy!

Our good friends the Nagurneys just moved from 8 miles up our road to Moretown this weekend.  We'll miss having them up the road!  Becky, Claire, and Wyatt came to visit Thursday while the movers were in their old house.  One last playdate as neighbors! Good thing we'll still see lots of each other, Wyatt!

11 Months

Our little man turned 11 months yesterday, and he was decked out in Yankees gear to celebrate.  It's nearly impossible to believe that our next pictures for this series will be for his one year birthday.  Seems like every day he's doing something new and wonderful to make us so proud.  We love you, Jakob! There is just no way I can sit still long enough for you to take these pictures I'm bored with this. Something over there is much more interesting Mommy says opening day is this weekend!  Yay for being 11 months old and for baseball!
Tooth number 3 is not playing nice as it comes out Kenya is watching birds with me Hemingway are likes two birds of a feather right now! I want to rock in the treetops all day long

Basic Training

Major Cutie, reporting for duty Sgt. Moo Cow has orders for us to complete basic training this morning This obstacle course sure is tough It's also a lot of fun! I've cleared the first hurdle, so it's time to play for a few minutes Last leg of the course Phew!  That was tough work!  Take me to the mess hall.


I am desperate for spring.  Sure, we've got snow on the ground, and temps are below average, but that doesn't mean I can't try to make it feel as spring-like as possible.  In light of that, we had the Gilmans over for a BBQ Sunday evening.  The boys played together as much as two babies can, and we spent a good portion of the evening trying to convince Gabe that camping is fun, and not just "playing homeless."  Watching Graham motor around the house with a walker toy is like having a glimpse into the future for Jakob since they're only a few months apart in age.  It's hard to believe our little men are growing up so quickly! Pile the blocks high and deep I think I hear our guests! Sharing books is so much fun Pst!   Mom!  I don't want to alarm you, but I think Graham is wearing a Mets hoodie. Carrie is reading to us.  YAY!

Pure Vermont Maple Syrup

This past weekend was open house at all of Vermont's maple syrup houses.  We're lucky in Huntington to have a number of great ones to choose from, as well as the Audubon Society's sugar house.  This year we did two local ones in town, and Jakob loved watching the steam rise up.  He got as close to some calves as he's ever been (he liked them a lot too, until one started mooing), and he tried his first maple syrup cotton candy.  Just a tiny taste, and he was bouncing in my arms!  It's safe to say our first generation Vermonter has syrup in his genes! Maple syrup deserves a round of applause Who wants syrup?  I do!   Enough with the pictures...let's get out there! You're kind of cute, as long as you're not mooing Daddy kept me safe from that noisy calf They're giving away samples over there!  Why aren't you taking me over there?! Even the steam tastes sweet! Maple syrup:  so good, it'll make your hair stand on en

Tweet tweet tweet!

This is the time of year in rural Vermont when you're supposed to take down your bird feeders because bears are coming out of hibernation and are hungry.  Flying in the face of conventional wisdom, I put our bird feeders out this weekend.  (It's rather unlikely a bear will make it down to our part of Huntington....I hope!)  Jakob loves to stand at the window and watch the birds.  The cats are rather pleased with my decision as well. I see one!!! It's so exciting to watch the birds fly back and forth between the feeders I can't take my eyes off them!

Baby Bullet

Orange and blue day for Jakob...out little Baby Bullet! I love you, Kenya! Yup, I just gave her a biiiiiig hug I love Holden too I'm ready to go out for a stroll Yo hommie! Good thing I've still got my hat on, because it's super sunny in here Time to relax with Daddy

Clap, Clap, Clap!

Tuesday ended up being a pretty great day.  Even though the roads were gnarly thanks to the snow, I got extra Jakob time because his daycare closed at 1.  Next, Jakob clapped for the first time, then he clapped some more when I praised him for it.  Lastly, Dan canceled his late group that usually keeps him away from home until close to 7, so he was home early for dinner.  Win-win-win!! My cute new outfit is worthy of applause I think I should practice standing to give you something to clap about Check it out, I'm doing squats! Still no milk in here Clap, clap, clap! Were the kitties over there watching me clap too? Despite my pout, I'm really very happy about figuring out how to clap

Helping Daddy Celebrate

Jakob loved helping Dan open his pile of cards and presents! Show me your cards, Daddy These birthday wishes are yummy Daddy may be the birthday boy, but I'm the boss So much paper for me to crinkle and rip This is where the beer goes once Daddy brews it Sadly it doesn't make a whistling sound like a plastic soda bottle   I can't wait for Daddy to teach me how to brew beer...only 20 years and 1 month to go! I'm testing the durability of this carboy Kenya, are you trying to hide from me in here?  Well, I found you! This box is way more fun than I ever could have imagined